Goal directed behavior depends on the dynamic balance between two antagonistic control demands, cognitive stability on the one side and cognitive flexibility on the other. While cognitive stability helps shielding the organism against distraction, this stability might – on the downside –result in maladaptive perseverative and rigid behavior. Likewise, cognitive flexibility helps adjusting action and thoughts to changing goal or task demands, but this flexibility can come at the cost of increased distractibility and erratic behavior. Therefore, it seems of major importance to identify factors that shift this balance towards more stability or flexibility in a context sensitive adaptive way. In my talk, I will present research showing how reward prospect and the specific task context differentially modulate this control dilemma.
Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach (University of Regensburg, DE)
Department of Basic Psychological Research and Research Methods (Unit of Cognitive Psychology)
Faculty of Psychology (Lecture hall G, 2nd floor, left wing)