Zeige Ergebnisse 161 - 180 von 265
Ansorge, U., & Bohner, G. (2013). Investigating the association between valence and elevation with an implicit association task that requires upward and downward responding. Universitas Psychologica, 12(5), 1453-1471.
Born, S., Ansorge, U., & Kerzel, D. (2013). Predictability of spatial and nonspatial properties improves perception in the pre-saccadic interval. Vision Research, 91, 93-101.
Huber-Huber, C., Valuch, C., König, P., & Ansorge, U. (2013). Priming of attention and saccades by continuity editing and feature repetition in movies. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6, 350-350.
Valuch, C., Becker, S. I., & Ansorge, U. (2013). Priming of Fixations during Recognition of Natural Scenes. Journal of Vision, 13(3), 1-22.
Ansorge, U., Priess, H.-W., & Kerzel, D. (2013). Saccadic inhibition of return after attention shifts to relevant and irrelevant color singletons. Journal of Vision, 13(9), 75-75.
Ansorge, U., Khalid, S., & König, P. (2013). Space-valence priming with subliminal and supraliminal words. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(81), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00081
Khalid, S., Finkbeiner, M., König, P., & Ansorge, U. (2013). Subcortical Human Face Processing? Evidence from Masked Priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(4), 989-1002. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0030867
Valuch, C., Becker, S. I., & Ansorge, U. (2013). Task-dependent priming of fixation selection for recognition of natural scenes. Journal of Vision, 13(9), 924-924.
Valuch, C., Becker, S. I., & Ansorge, U. (2013). Task-dependent priming of fixations during recognition of natural scenes. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6, 199-199.
Ansorge, U., Kirchler, E., Lamm, C., & Leder, H. (Hrsg.) (2013). TeaP 2013 - Abstracts of the 55th Meeting of Experimental Psychologists. Pabst Science Publishers.
Fuchs-Leitner, I., Horstmann, G., & Ansorge, U. (2013). The eyes – captured by surprise. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6, 499-499.
Khalid, S., & Ansorge, U. (2013). The Simon effect of spatial words in eye movements: Comparison of vertical and horizontal effects and of eye and finger responses. Vision Research, 86, 6-14.
Ditye, T., Jacobson, L., Walsh, V., & Lavidor, M. (2012). Modulating behavioral inhibition by tDCS combined with cognitive training. Experimental Brain Research, 219(3), 363-368. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-012-3098-4
Ansorge, U., & Becker, S. I. (2012). Automatic priming of attentional control by relevant colors. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 74, 83-104.
Pflüger, L., Valuch, C., Ansorge, U., & Wallner, B. (2012). Colour as a cue of sexual attractiveness and attentional preference in Japanese Macaques. Perception, 41, 127-127.
Van Der Lubbe, R., & Ansorge, U. (2012). Dear readers, authors, and reviewers of advances in Cognitive Psychology. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8(4), 296-297. https://doi.org/10.5709/acp-0125-x
Carbon, C.-C., & Ditye, T. (2012). Face adaptation effects show strong and long-lasting transfer from lab to more ecological contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, Artikel 3. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00003
Born, S., Ansorge, U., & Kerzel, D. (2012). Feature-based effects in the coupling between attention and saccades. Journal of Vision, 12(11). https://doi.org/10.1167/12.9.1000
Heise, N., & Ansorge, U. (2012). Fruitful search: Top-down contingent capture extends to colour-variegated stimuli. Perception, 41, 126-126.
Priess, H.-W., Born, S., & Ansorge, U. (2012). Inhibition of return after color singletons. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 5(5), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.5.5.2
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